Launch the Controller#


Our codebase is developed based on the Galaxea R1 SDK v1.0.4. We will continue to update the codebase as the SDK evolves.

Once the ROS connection is established as described in ROS Connection, we can launch the low-level robot controller SDK. Since there are built-in programs which start on boot, we need to stop them first. On the robot computer, run the following commands:

# The following commands will terminate all TMUX.
sudo tmux kill-server
tmux kill-server
pkill -9 ros

Then starts the FDCAN communication:

sudo ip link set dev can0 type can bitrate 1000000 dbitrate 5000000 fd on
# If "RTNETLINK answers: Device or resource busy" appears, it indicates that the CAN transceiver has been configured and is currently running.
sudo ip link set up can0

Open a new terminal, launch the main low-level SDK:

source ~/work/ci_pipeline/workspace/body/install/setup.bash
roslaunch HDAS hdas.launch


Don’t forget to run the following commands in every new terminal to property set the ROS environment variables on the robot computer:

export ROS_IP=  # this makes sure ROS topics can be addressed properly

Open another terminal, perform self-check:

source work/ci_pipeline/workspace/body/install/setup.bash
rosrun HDAS check_node #press 1  #1 means the self-check when the arms are installed.

Start the mobile base control:

source work/ci_pipeline/workspace/body/install/setup.bash
roslaunch mobiman r1_chassis_control.launch

Finally, open another terminal, start the arm and torso control:

source work/ci_pipeline/workspace/body/install/setup.bash
roslaunch mobiman r1_jointTrackerdemo.launch